Imagine Living A Life You Love

Transformative relationship and life coaching

Caterina Barregar

Owner, Imagine Life Coaching Inc.
Relationship and Empath Coach

I’ve supported thousands of successful women by truly understanding their needs and empathically guiding them toward profound transformation in their relationships. We will transform your mindset and elevate your self esteem for fulfilling relationships. Imagine a life free from self doubt: experience confidence, harmony and genuine connection, with Caterina.

Make LoveYour Compass

You are successful in many areas of your life, but something is missing. Do you find yourself wondering…

Am I a Good Partner?

Am I Good Enough?

How Can I Communicate Better?

Am I a Good Partner?

Am I Good Enough?

How Can I Communicate Better?

Discovery Session

A Discovery Session is the first step in setting your life on the right track.

Book a Session

Book a discovery session to improve your life and the lives of those around you.

I will meet you where you are now and re introduce you to yourself.

The Empath Journey

Are you an empath?

Whether you are an emerging empath at the beginning of your journey or have already recognized intuitive gifts and talents, I’m here to help.

My personal journey has allowed me the honour of embracing my own gifts and talents and share these gifts and talents with people like you.

What about you? What type of Empath are you?


Building Healthy Relationships: Keys to Communication, Trust, and Boundaries

In relationships, we often hear about the importance of communication, trust, and boundaries. These key elements are the foundation on which healthy, long-lasting relationships are built. But what do they look like in practice? How can you ensure your relationship […]

The Let Them Theory: Embracing Freedom and Peace in Your Relationships

It’s easy to feel responsible for how others perceive us, behave, or respond. We tend to overthink, try to control outcomes, or hold ourselves accountable for their actions. The Let Them Theory: Embracing Freedom and Peace in Your Relationships It’s […]

One More Time to Love, Live, Hope, and Never Give Up

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us, doesn’t it? Just when we think we’ve got it all figured out, something unexpected happens, and suddenly, we’re back at square one. But here’s the thing: every setback is just a […]

Unconditional Love: Best Served Without Attachment

In the intricate dance of human relationships, unconditional love is often seen as the highest form of affection. It’s a pure, selfless love that expects nothing in return and accepts others as they are. I would like to point out […]

Understanding and Regaining Self-Esteem During Or After A Co Dependent Relationship

Reflect on experiences and relationships that may have contributed to low self-esteem. You might notice some repeating patterns. Make a list of your strengths, achievements, and qualities you admire in yourself. This can be more difficult for those who have […]

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I want to help you change your life. Here is what my clients have to say.

“When I fell into my own black hole, she pulled me out. Her abilities are remarkable. Her dedication is her gift to us. This world needs healers and the universe has given us Caterina. I continue to work by her stunning example of love, friendship, and faith. Thank you.”

Retired Business Owner, BC Canada

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